Sports Medicine A Crucial Period Good Pain, Bad Pain On Your Knees Secondary Injuries Imaging Technology What's Sciatica? The Female Athlete Putting Your Feet First Itis Schmitis Too Much, Too Soon Under the Influence Twisted What's Goin' On? Think Inches, Not Pounds Preventing Vaginitis That Painful Pull Athlete's Heart Exercise & Arthritis Chilled to the Bone Measuring Body Fat Exercise and Your Breasts Choosing a Sports Doctor Lean on Me (Shoulder) Exercise & Anemia Exercise Abuse Pelvis Sighting Hand Aid It's All in the Wrist Back in Action Altitude Adjustment Tennis Elbow, Anyone? Exercising in the Heat Agony of the Feet Restless Legs Night Time Cramps Birth Control Concerns No Periods, No Babies? Post Partum Prescription Weight Loss Mystery Undesirable Cooldown To Brew Or Not To Brew Fitness After Baby Biking and Back Pain Swimmer's Shoulder A Hidden Athlete Avoiding Osteoporosis Drug Testing Maximum Heart Rate Headway Against Headaches Torn Rotator Cuff Fat Figures SOS About PMS Bloody Urine Sag Story Lackluster Leg Bothersome Bulge Gaining in Years Taking It On the Shin Aching Ankles Hoop Help Tender Toes Meals For Muscle Growing Pains Hot Tips High Altitude PMS Personal Bests Air Pollution Ankle Blues Heartbreak Heel Yeast Relief |
Hoop HelpQ: I am 16 years old, 5'5", and 116 pounds. Fitness is a vital part of my daily routine. Basketball is the one sport that I love. I play on my high school varsity team, have two more seasons left, and hope to play in college. I want to start now to get in the best shape possible. During the summer, I run two miles in the morning, but I'm really lost from there on. Right now I am lifting weights three times a week, but I find it hard to lift as much weight as my teammates do. I usually lift equally with the arms, but my legs aren't very strong. I can only leg-curl 50 pounds to their 70 pounds. Can you give me some advice on how I can stay healthy and get in the best possible shape? And maybe some information about a good diet for athletes? A.C. A: It sounds like you are on the right track. Be careful not to get into a weight-lifting contest where you might hurt yourself. It is as important to recognize when you are doing too much as too little. As a sophomore competing against juniors and seniors who may be taller, you are likely to be weaker in certain areas. That you are as strong in the upper body as they are is a very positive sign. Leg strength will develop over time. Weight lifting is fine, but make sure you also get plenty of aerobic exercise as well, such as running, bicycling, and swimming. It is important to condition the cardiovascular system for both endurance and speed, in addition to developing muscular strength. Running and bicycling will also develop leg strength. Basketball players need speed as well as strength. I think you could increase your summer running program, slowly extending your run to four to six miles to build endurance, and incorporate lots of sprinting (fartlek training) during the run to speed train. On your own time, practice dribbling, shooting, passing, and jumping skills. Doing the same exercise - pounding on a gym floor over and over again - can lead to overuse injuries. Researchers have found fewer injuries and greater accomplishment in athletes who cross-train or vary their exercise so they aren't constantly using the same muscle groups. You might take this into consideration, and spend more time biking and swimming. Taking up additional sports like soccer, baseball, or track could help you develop coordination and conditioning on a year-round basis. Read about nutrition in this chapter of Campus Health Guide for information about a good diet. Good luck! About the authors: Carol L. Otis, M.D., is Chief Medical Advisor to the Sanex WTA and a UCLA student health physician. Roger Goldingay is a former professional soccer player. They are married and the co-authors of The Athletic Woman's Survival Guide. |
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