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Tennis Elbow, Anyone?

It may not seem serious, but it can get worse.

A mild case of tennis elbow may not seem like a big deal. If you don't take care of early symptoms, however, they can progress to a severe and chronic disability leaving you unwilling to open doors, shake hands or even drink soda with your injured arm.

It's important to treat elbow injuries early with conservative methods, including physical therapy, oral medication, rest and correction of poor technique. If these methods fail, you may need more drastic measures such as injections and/or surgery.

Tennis players aren't the only ones at risk for problems in the forearm and elbow; bowlers, golfers, cross-country skiers, softball players and racquet-sport players also are susceptible. Repetitive activities of daily living or employment - scooping ice cream, supermarket checking, gardening, lifting suitcases, carrying a briefcase - can also cause or aggravate elbow problems.

Inflammation of the muscle-tendon junction at either side of the elbow joint is called epicondylitis. It can occur in any activity that requires a repeated, forceful gripping motion and contraction of these muscles. The inflammation occurs when you strain the tendons that connect the muscles of the forearm to the side of the elbow joint.

Contracting, twisting, flexing and extending the muscles improperly cause microscopic tears and inflammation in the stressed tendon. The pain is usually burning, stabbing or tearing and is felt on the inner or outer side of the elbow.

It can radiate to the shoulder or the wrist and is usually made worse by gripping with your fist or extending the arm. In a severe case, even holding a cup or hairbrush can be painful.

Who's At Risk?

Beginners as well as experts can develop this problem. To some degree, susceptibility depends on strength, flexibility, technique and equipment. In tennis players, the injury often occurs among recreational players between 35 and 50 years old who play three or more times a week.

Does everyone who plays tennis get tennis elbow?

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Foreword: Billie Jean King

Comments by Barb Harris
Editor in Chief,
Shape Magazine

General Health
Common Medical Problems
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Infectious Disease
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