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Exercise and Arthritis


Diagnosis is based on a combination of symptoms and X-ray findings. The usual symptoms are pain and stiffness, which increase in the morning and in cold weather. Sometimes the joints become swollen or deformed from the overgrowth of bone.

As long as your exercise program isn't damaging your cartilage, it doesn't increase your chances of developing arthritis. In fact, well-developed and trained muscles act as shock absorbers for the load transmitted to joints. It is probable that regular exercise actually benefits the joints by aiding in the release of synovial fluid which bathes and nourishes cartilage.

However; if a joint has been injured or if you have a biomechanical abnormality such as a limb-length discrepancy moderate bowlegs or knock-knees, you may be at more risk for joint deterioration because of the uneven loading of the joint that occurs with activity. In this case, the best prevention is to see a sports medicine specialist for a biomechanical evaluation, and work to correct underlying problems while assuring muscle tone and balance.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

The other form of arthritis is rheumatoid, or inflammatory arthritis. It results from a systemic (whole-body) condition. Although the exact cause is unknown, there is a hereditary tendency Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease, in which the body attacks its own tissues.

Under the ligaments, the joints are surrounded by a fibrous capsule lined by the synovium, a Saran Wrap-like membrane that produces fluid to lubricate the joints. Joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis is caused by inflammation of the synovium which, if prolonged, destroys the cartilage and ligaments. Joints are stiff and often swollen, and may be hot to the touch.

Early symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are fatigue, weakness, vague aches and pains, weight loss, numbness and tingling of the hands and feet, joint swelling, limited range of motion and early morning stiffness. Other symptoms include fever; skin rash and anemia.

At its worst, the disease can distort and cripple multiple joints. Exercise is essential to minimize the deformity of rheumatoid arthritis and to maintain mobility. The disease usually develops between the ages of 25 and 45, but it can also be found in infant children. It is three times more likely to occur in women.

How is rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed? What can I do to prevent arthritis?

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