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Itis Schmitis



Tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendons, bands of tough, inelastic tissue that attach muscle to bone. Tendons don't contract or stretch as much as muscles do, so they're more susceptible to inflammation from overuse. Common locations of tendinitis are the hip, knee, shoulder, elbow and heel.

One type of tendinitis is tenoperiostitis, an inflammation of the tendon where it inserts to the bone. It often occurs at the side of the elbow (known as tennis elbow) and the heel, where the Achilles tendon attaches to bone. Symptoms include pain, stiffness, swelling and limited motion where the tendon attaches to bone. You'll feel more pain when you place pressure over the area or contract the muscle group attached to the tendon.


Periostitis is an inflammation of the sufface of the bone. It is most commonly felt along the inside of the leg along the shin bone and is one diagnosis of the condition called shinsplints. The pain is sometimes accompanied by swelling, redness and nodules. If you feel tenderness when touching a specific point on your shin or when tapping along the length of the bone, you may have a stress fracture instead.


Bursas are small, fluid-filled sacs around the hips, knees, feet, shoulders and elbows. They're located between two structures, such as a bone and a tendon, and their function is to reduce friction and distribute stress. They become inflamed when a tendon repeatedly moves over the bursa, causing mechanical friction and swelling.


Fasciitis is an inflammation of the muscle fasciae, sheets of fibrous tissue that enclose muscle and muscle groups. One of the most common types is plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the fascia on the bottom of the foot. It can cause a knifelike pain in the bottom of the foot at every step.

How do you diagnose and treat these different types of "itis?"

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