Sports Medicine A Crucial Period Good Pain, Bad Pain On Your Knees Secondary Injuries Imaging Technology What's Sciatica? The Female Athlete Putting Your Feet First Itis Schmitis Too Much, Too Soon Under the Influence Twisted What's Goin' On? Think Inches, Not Pounds Preventing Vaginitis That Painful Pull Athlete's Heart Exercise & Arthritis Chilled to the Bone Measuring Body Fat Exercise and Your Breasts Choosing a Sports Doctor Lean on Me (Shoulder) Exercise & Anemia Exercise Abuse Pelvis Sighting Hand Aid It's All in the Wrist Back in Action Altitude Adjustment Tennis Elbow, Anyone? Exercising in the Heat Agony of the Feet Restless Legs Night Time Cramps Birth Control Concerns No Periods, No Babies? Post Partum Prescription Weight Loss Mystery Undesirable Cooldown To Brew Or Not To Brew Fitness After Baby Biking and Back Pain Swimmer's Shoulder A Hidden Athlete Avoiding Osteoporosis Drug Testing Maximum Heart Rate Headway Against Headaches Torn Rotator Cuff Fat Figures SOS About PMS Bloody Urine Sag Story Lackluster Leg Bothersome Bulge Gaining in Years Taking It On the Shin Aching Ankles Hoop Help Tender Toes Meals For Muscle Growing Pains Hot Tips High Altitude PMS Personal Bests Air Pollution Ankle Blues Heartbreak Heel Yeast Relief |
On Your KneesContinued...Preferentially strengthening the inner part of the quadriceps (the vastus medialis) can be helpful in reducing the tracking problem of the patella and is a mainstay of rehabilitation in cases of patellar-femoral dysfunction. Short arc extensions with ankle weights will work this muscle. Sit on the floor with your legs extended and place a support under your upper thigh so your knee is bent 15 to 20 degrees. Put a 1- to 5 pound weight around your ankle and straighten the knee to full extension. When doing the exercise properly you should feel a burn in the inner quadriceps. Stretching is also an important part of injury prevention. If you tend to skip it, you are at increased risk for patellar tendinitis and tears of the hamstring and quadriceps muscles. If you have had a knee injury that has not been completely rehabilitated, you are also at increased risk for further injury. The weakness resulting from pain and injury causes imbalance around the knee. Some physicians and most podiatrists hold that flat feet or excessive pronation may also contribute to knee injury. Protective devices such as arch supports and orthotics may be helpful. A sports medicine physician or physical therapist can help identify whether you are at risk. Part of your evaluation can involve testing the strength and range of the motion of your joints with machines. Properly supervised rehabilitation in the hands of a skilled sports medicine physical therapist will provide your best chance for a speedy and complete recovery. About the authors: Carol L. Otis, M.D., is Chief Medical Advisor to the Sanex WTA and UCLA student health physician. Roger Goldingay is a former professional soccer player. They are married and the co-authors of The Athletic Woman's Survival Guide. |
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